Six puzzles. Ninety minutes. Have you got what it takes to defeat the Puzzle Train?
Mystery surrounds eleven-year-old Tom’s obsession with Puzzle Train, the most successful gameshow for adults on TV. He and five other children – including his best friend Isabelle – win their places on a children’s special, despite the best efforts of his stepfather to stop him entering.
Stepping out from the shadow of his stepfather, overcoming his initial shyness and with his Gran’s words of wisdom in his head, join Tom, Isabelle and their new friends as they race against time to crack the elusive Conductor’s clues and solve the puzzles while moving from carriage to carriage.
Any errors that are made will incur the Conductor’s wrath and see an unwitting contestant trapped. Can Tom’s determination, logic and skill aided with his new friends see him become the first person to ever complete the station puzzle and meet his subject of his obsession – the Conductor? Can Tom achieve what thousands of adults in five hundred episodes have failed to do?
Work through the logic with the children as they solve the puzzles. And then at the end of some chapters are puzzles which you can attempt.
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