I asked Jennifer a few questions about her and her writing.
What inspired you to first start writing?
I loved reading, as a child. I always wanted to know what it felt like being the author of such captivating books. Also, I was very good at predicting what would happen in the stories or try to figure things out. This made me feel like I could be the brain behind my own story.
Tell us a little about The Abandoned Bicycle –
What’s it about?
Where did the idea come from?
The Abandoned Bicycle is my first book. The children’s book is about a little boy who finds an old bicycle at the beach. As he rides it, he sees images of his mother and has to learn how to deal with it. The idea came to me in a dream one night, so I woke up and penned it.
Do you have a favourite time/place to write?
I don’t have a favourite time or place to write. I can write anywhere and anytime as long as there’s inspiration. I even write just before bed on my phone if an idea springs on me.
Your second book – The Intruder – is also scheduled to be available at the Book Fair – can you tell us a little bit about it?
I was inspired to write the Intruder during my time in lockdown, last year. Lockdown felt like an intruder had come into my life and that’s how I came up with the idea.
The Intruder is aimed at a very different audience, how different do you find it writing for children v adults?
This is an interesting question. It’s a very different process but it’s not difficult for me to write for a different audience. I would like to think of myself as a versatile author. I can say, however, that writing for adults is easier for me as I don’t have to be careful with the kind of language used and the context in which it is used. It’s more natural. With children’s books, one has to be careful of the lesson portrayed and how parents might perceive it, before considering it for their children to read.
Do you have any plans for your next book?
I absolutely do have plans for my next book, ‘Knowing’. There are a few projects I have in mind apart from this, like another children’s book in ‘The Abandoned Series’ as well as poetry.
What’s your favourite book to read (or genre or author)?
As a child, I enjoyed the works of Roald Dahl. I enjoy reading, in general, but prefer thriller or suspense stories now. I cannot name a favourite book. There are too many!
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
One word – Netflix.
Thank you Jennifer. As a side note, Jennifer has been busy promoting her book as you can see from these links: