What inspired you to first start writing?
Well, I’m a real bookworm and never thought it possible in the first place to achieve such an amazing goal in my life. I had a friend many years ago who told me she was writing a novel about her life experiences. I thought, well, why not try it as well, not really thinking ahead of publishing or anything so significant. I was just going to share my story with friends for the fun of it. Well, it wasn’t that easy or quick for my first time! I started on a novel and was stuck on it for a while. I never watched Viking movies, and I’m a huge fan of animation – you may laugh, but it’s true.
Where did the idea come from?
So, in the year when Brave came out, I thoroughly enjoyed it. And for some reason, another story popped in my head, and I put the other one on hold – still on hold – to accomplish this one. I was excited with many thoughts and ideas for my story. My first book took me four years to write – many research and late nights, and on my third year, writer’s block for a whole year! As the hours and years went by on the first book, I eventually decided, after research, to publish – why not!
Tell us a little about your first book – Taken –
What’s it about?
At first, my main character did not have amnesia. After almost done with the book, I decided she had to have a memory loss to stay on the Island and get to know the Vikings and their way of life, which meant I had to go back from the beginning and take a lot out to throw her thoughts and memories around. With research, I became more fascinated with the way the Vikings lived and their beliefs. And not to spoil my own thoughts on my story, I watched nothing about Vikings, and sadly I stopped reading books as well so as not to complicate my way of writing.
I became so attached to my characters that deciding on a particular accident gave me many sleepless nights on what to do or how I wanted my story to unfold at the end of the series. I had many ideas, which I can’t share cause then I’ll spoil it for those who haven’t read Part 2(book 2) yet or Part 1. The first book, Taken, is mostly about how she learns about herself and these strange people. An introduction to the Viking’s way of life. Some people may not be caught or interested in that subject, but I’m proud of what I’ve created!
Your next book – Rosaline is nearly ready. Tell us a little about it?
Part 2, Rosaline Dumont, and yes, it’s complete, so to say, is even more exciting where she meets old friends and makes new ones. More life changes and more disasters and how she copes with it all and the decisions she makes. Will she find love again, and will she ever see her Viking family in the future? I will not reveal too much of book two as I would like my readers to enjoy and be surprised on their own. I won’t spoil it.
Is there a 3rd book planned in the series?
Yes. The series has three books in total as their lives continue with love and war raging through France. There’s a short story after book 2 – I missed writing after the second book that I decided on a short story. When a friend read it, she wanted to know more and said I couldn’t just stop like that, and that’s how book three was born and was excited once again to create another time and place for my readers to enjoy. I must admit, I miss my characters and writing about them. Maybe one day I’ll continue with a comeback – we’ll see . . .
Do you have a favourite time/place to write?
Weird but true, my thoughts and ideas come more to me at night. During the day, the story will unfold a little, and I will make a note of it, or if it clouds my thoughts, I’ll sit all day writing. But at night, I used to sit till three in the morning typing. I must admit, and most might laugh, but at the end of my first book, it was very late, or should I say early in the morning, and my story was to an end. While typing, my feelings were so entuned with my characters that I typed through my tears!
What’s your favourite book to read (or genre or author)?
When I was 16 years old, I started to read a lot of mills and boons, or think that’s what it was called, but those thick juicy books with sexy covers that caught your eye. Getting older, I moved along to anything that caught my interest. I’m a fan of many; I’m sorry to say that I can’t remember their names. And years back, I became a fan of Wilbur Smith.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
When I’m not writing, I’m thinking of another story, which I have many to share. I have many ideas, and where to begin blows my mind! My main goal is to finish publishing the series before continuing the first story I put on hold and others I have slowly started with. I also love to draw and paint in my spare time. I love swimming and garden work – I have my own vegetable garden. I love to build small doll furniture or anything interesting. I feel content working with my hands; I can spend a whole day creating something small and cute.