Hello all,
Welcome to another Friday. How was your week? I’ve had a busy one. Here’s today’s rundown
- Writers 2000 coming to the Beyond The Vale Book Shop.
- Book Fair Ts and Cs finalised. Spaces are limited to the first 25 authors.
1 Writers 2000
Earlier this week, I met the chairperson of Writers 2000, Meggan Preuss. She asked me to present a talk about publishing and coincidentally they were looking for a space to meet, so I offered our meeting room at the shop. A great way to meet other local writers. They meet on the second Saturday of every month.
I asked Meggan to tell me a little more about Writers 2000.
Writers 2000 is a group for people interested in Writing. We are a mix of published writers, aspiring novices, and dabblers.
We hold monthly challenges and an annual competition that allows members to exercise and improve their writing.
Meetings are once a month for our ‘Author Talks’, which are always interesting and informative. Our speakers are writers, editors, journalists, and publishers.
Anyone with an interest in writing is welcome to join.
You can contact us through our Instagram or Facebook pages, or at writers2000sa@gmail.com.
Links for FB and Insta:
Book Fair
Bookmarks and Ts and Cs in hand, I went to see Justin at Book Dealers of Rivonia on Thursday to finalise arrangements for our third independent authors Book Fair.
I’m also pleased to say that Nyiko from Trivisa Publicity will be helping us to publicise the event.
The terms and conditions are finalised. Spaces limited to 25, first come first served, email info@beyondthevalepublishing.com
For more information.
Remember, if you have any questions relating to self-publishing, drop me an email – info@beyondthevalepublishing.com