A busy month in the world of self-publishing is ahead. Welcome to July and what a busy July we have in store for you at Beyond The Vale Publishing.
- But first, Beyond The Vale Bookshop is expanding
- 09 July – Writers 2000 will be here
- 16 July – book launch – Redemption in the Homeland by Stella Afitumukiza
- 30 July – Book Fair!
- 31 July – Writing competition – deadline extended!
- 31 July – I’ll be in Exclusive Books, Mall of Africa, signing copies of my books
Book shop expansion
More shelves, more stock, more variety. Never one to stand still, we have more shelves built. Any independent authors out there who would like their books in my shop, drop me an email.
09 July – Writers 2000
The Writers 2000 group will be welcoming author Raashida Kahn as their guest speaker. Raashida has written several books, all available at Beyond The Vale Books:
16 July – Book launch – Redemption in my Homeland
Debut author, Stella Aftumukiza, will be launching her book exclusively in Beyond The Vale Books on 16 July. Redemption is a touching book exploring the trials of an immigrant in the early nineties. Come and meet the author – email info@beyondthevalepublishing.com for more information.
30 July, Book Fair
We have had a great uptake from authors excited about this new venue – we still have places available. Email info@beyondthevalepublishing.com for Ts and Cs.
Great news! We will be arranging a table and chair for each author, all you need to bring is your books and marketing material
31 July – new deadline for the Writing Competition
It’s not too late to enter, the deadline has been extended to 31 July
The prize:
- Beyond The Vale Publishing will publish your story for free!
The criteria:
- Your story must be between 8,000 and 12,000 words.
- It must be aimed at 7 to 10 year olds.
- Set in South Africa.
- Have a sporting theme. The sport can be any sport played in South Africa.
- It must be inspirational.
How to submit your story:
- Email info@beyondthevalepublishing.com for an application form.
- Submit your story.
- Closing date is extended to 31 July 2022.
- Full terms and conditions will be on the application form
- 31 July – Book Signing
Come and join me at Exclusive Books, Mall of Africa where I will be signing copies of my books.
Looking forward to seeing you at one of these great events. Happy self-publishing everyone!