The first annual Beyond The Vale Publishing South Africa Schools Creative Writing Competition (SASCWC)
Invitation to teachers, for a short story writing competition for your students.
Entry is free but we request that interested schools to complete the registration form
- The prize is the winning students will have their story published in a compilation book. (Students and their school will be awarded a copy of the book)
- The schools to submit the best writing, up to 10 entries per category by 30 April 2023
- Winners to be announced at an award ceremony on 29 July 2023.
- Winning writers will have their story published in a book of short stories
- A copy of the book will be awarded to each winner
- A copy of the book will be awarded to each school library of the winning authors
- The book will be uploaded onto Amazon
- The book will be made available for distribution amongst book shops throughout South Africa
Students should write a short story chosen from the following broad themes:
My day as …
- A superhero
- A sports star
- An animal (could be a pet or a wild animal, a bird or a fish)
- An alien
Spelling, grammar and punctuation are important, but not as important as the creativity of the writing. What do you see, smell, experience? Who do you meet and what are your challenges? Where do you go and how do you get there?
Students may enter in one of the following age groups:
- Ten to twelve
- Thirteen to Fifteen
- Sixteen to eighteen
(ages at 31st of March 2023)
- Students to submit to their teachers who can select the best entries (up to 10 per school) for submission to the competition committee by email
- (
- No members of the judging committee will have any affiliation to any school.
- Word count to be between 1,000 and 3,000 words.
- Entries must be in English.
- Word document format preferred – 12 point font, 1.5 spacing.
- Closing date – 30 April 2023. Entries will be judged during May and June and will be published during July
- Winners will be announced at an award ceremony to be held on Saturday 29 July 2023
- The judges decision will be final. No correspondence will be entered into.
- Between 10 and 12 stories will be selected for the publication.
- The stories will be professionally edited prior to publication.
- Copyright remains with the author, however, the winning entries agree not to submit their story for publishing anywhere else for a period of 12 months from the date of publication.
The following are not permitted:
- Bad/abusive/offensive language
- Politics
- Religion
- Gratuitous violence
- Sex or sexual conduct