Meeting authors and a book launches

Hi everyone, and a happy Friday to you all.

It’s been a busy week here in the Vale.

  • Meet Ridge Makavelli
  • Jesse Pieters with his new release, I, Jesse The Cyborg
  • Barbara Steyn’s book launch
  • New release – Barbara Steyn My Son Went to Rehab, I Went to Rome

A quick reminder first that the deadline for entries for the SA Schools Creative Writing Competition is just 24 days away! Get your school registered now at

  1. Meet Ridge Makavelli

Ridge is Turn The Page’s latest author. He has written 2 books which we will be distributing. Ridge is a chemical engineer and has written books about understanding change and growth. Ridge is not just a budding author but a philosopher and a musician.

His book will soon be available at selected Bargain Books and Exclusive Books and directly from the Beyond The Vale Book Shop located in Inner Journeys.


  1. Jesse Pieters – I, Jesse The Cyborg

Regular readers of my newsletter will know we featured Jesse’s book at the beginning of March. Jesse dropped in to tell us all about his upcoming book launch. Jesse will be at Bargain Books, Vaal Mall, Vanderbiljpark 15 April 2023 from midday to 2pm. If you’re in the area, why don’t you drop past and meet Jesse and learn more about his book.

Barbara Steyn’s Book Launch

On Sunday I had the pleasure of being invited to Barbara’s book launch at Super Sconti Italian Food Centre on Louis Botha Avenue. Somewhere I had never been to before, but with Barabara’s book being titled ”My Son Went to Rehab, I went to Rome”, it seemed like an obvious choice.

There was a great atmosphere and a tear or two as Barbara shared her hugely personal journey for writing this book. And the food and coffee was sublime.

I’m pleased to say Barbara had a few copies left over for me to put in my shop. Contact me if you’d like to order a copy.
