Regular readers of my newsletter are probably bored hearing me say it’s been a busy week in the Vale. Guess what? It’s been a busy week in the Vale!

Our first Power Pages event in conjunction with our good friends at DotDot which takes place at Spark Rivonia tomorrow has me busy. I’m really looking forward to interacting with the children and parents tomorrow and I’m sure (at the last count) at least 15 other authors are. If you’re going to be there, I look forward to seeing you.

Here are some pictures from yesterday when I dropped over 1100 books off at the DotDot offices. The video is on our social media.

We’re really looking forward to it, if you would like to take part in the next event, contact me here to find out how.

If you are looking to publish a children’s book, remember we can help. With everything from the editing to illustrations, ISBN to printing and Amazon upload, drop me an email on

You can check out our partner, DotDot’s website here for some great gifts and products.