Agnetha Hilpert – Nostalgia is a Liar

Published by Beyond The Vale Publishing

Published date – June 2022

Some things look better with age. Luna spies her high school sweetheart after an eight-month separation and it’s certainly true. Newly engaged and bearded Cooper is a testament to that. A brief conversation and the memories come flooding back.
She was lost, orphaned. Bouncing from foster home to foster home, from high school to high school. He found her, gave her stability and the family she craved. She wondered how having never met someone could change the course of one’s life so drastically. How complete she felt when she was next to him.
Their happily ever after was not to be. The tragic circumstance that led to their break up was entrapped in Luna’s mind. Was it her fault?
Undeterred by her single life and determined to be happy for Cooper, Luna sets about untangling her past, determined to prove that things were not always better and for her, nostalgia is a liar.

About the author:

Agnetha Hilpert, author of Broken Halos, is back with her second published novel – Nostalgia is a Liar.

With a love of most things Boston, a flair for the dramatic and searching for meaning in most things – this romantic drama leans into the trend of emotional revelations ambiguously confessed in her writing.

“Being a reluctant empath, I internalize most people’s experiences. A co-worker had suffered the loss of a stillborn baby and I didn’t know how to condole with her. So I wrote a book. I ended up falling in love with these characters and felt legitimately bad for giving them this experience. Writing this took me on an emotional rollercoaster. And my hopes are that the reader will join me on the ride, and find relatability not in their exact experience but in the feelings of the human experience. Also wanted to give flowers to those extraordinary beings brave enough to begin again after such loss.”

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Available on Amazon here or at the Beyond The Vale Bookshop, 52 Harris Avenue, Edenvale.

Contact me here for more information about self-publishing.
