Being a writer – part 4 – a change of scenery – 3 techniques to keep you writing

Hi Everyone,

I hope you’ve all had a great week. As a self-published author, writing is important. As is making the most of every available opportunity to write.

The Puzzle Train series books 4 and 5, are still sitting on the metaphorical shelf while I keep my writing focus on my new project.

I’m now 13000 words in and loving the breath of fresh air that is a brand new project. But what can you do if you find your enthusiasm is dropping?

The power hour

I love writing. Like many others, I find that sometimes I am easily distracted and procrastinating. This led to me to try something to focus the mind. I decided I would write solidly for an hour. Timer set on the phone, my wife was out of the house and off I went. The concentrated, focussed burst of writing was a great success. Eleven hundred words done in an hour. (I like to go back and edit for draft 2). I went slightly over because I hadn’t reached a natural stopping point.

A change is as good as a rest

Last Saturday was cold in Joburg. As I’ve been working from home, my writing desk now doubles as my work desk. I felt the walls of my study closing in around me and decided I needed to get out.

Laptop packed, I headed for my local Spur – for those of you outside of South Africa, Spur is a national chain of restaurants open for breakfast. The change of scenery certainly worked for me, giving me productive writing time and a decent breakfast.

A friend in need…

It’s good to have a writing buddy. Having someone you can talk to about writing, projects, plot lines, characters or anything else is invaluable, and you will find that you will both spur each other on to write more. Look on-line for writing clubs in your area, or on Facebook.

I even worked with a fellow author to produce a book. We each took it in turns to write 500 words, and just over a month later we had the first draft of a new novel.

If you still need more help with your writing project, contact Beyond the Vale publishing and enquire about our mentorship programme.

When your novel is finished, we can help you with everything you need to self-publish of your book.


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