Self-publishing is awesome. You have the freedom to decide your story and you chose your cover. A good self-publisher will know enough to recommend changes but also know when to allow the writer the freedom of choice. A good self-publisher will help you write the best book you can but give you, as the client, the right to choose.

Once you’ve self-published, then what? Authors need somewhere to sell their books and that’s exactly what we’ve been doing for the last year. Yes, that’s right, Beyond The Vale Books, (Part of the Inner Journeys store) has been in operation for exactly a year on 01 October 2022.

And what an amazing year it’s been. We have helped many authors realise their dream of publishing a book, selling their books and hosting launches FREE OF CHARGE.

Come and visit us at 52 Harris Avenue, Edenvale for a day of great specials, prize giveaways and free workshops.

Come and talk to me about your self-publishing needs, or contact me here.
