Horentia Cornelissen – Journey to my Runway

Self-published by Beyond The Vale Publishing, Publishers, Johannesburg. Publish date – January 2022.

From her earliest memories, Horentia wanted to be a model. Journey to my Runway, follows her story as she shares her motivations, inspirations and her past from her modelling debut at the age of eight, through to her modelling supercars three decades later.

From her humble beginnings in a small town in the Western Cape to her very latest adventure, the Journey to her Runway to the United States.

This book is written in honour of the 7time title world champion racing driver Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton. Thank you for being such a huge inspiration in my life. I’ve been following your motivational videoclips, fashion trends and social media quotes to never ever give up, to remain positive and focus on your goal. I can honestly say that I’ve learned from the best, because I’ve achieved so much. You are a very big example for the next generation and may your legacy live on. Stay blessed Lh44!

About Horentia

Horentia Cornelissen started modelling at the age of eight. Her experiences of participating in competitions and travelling abroad have helped her to become a sportscar and fashion model. She has worked with several modelling agencies and taken part in many photoshoots and now, thirty years later, she has written her inspirational memoir for the world to see where she came from and where she is heading to. Her goal is to inspire those who have a dream to make a difference, to live life with a purpose and to inspire that anything can be achieved if you have a vision and work for it.

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