Do you need a beta reader?

I’ve just finished the rewrite (version 3) of Alien Spy 3 – The Prophecy, which is one of the books I will be launching at ComicCon. I had thought I had finished at version 2, but this is the power of having someone else read your work. Those images I had in my head that I put down on paper were so clear when I wrote them, were actually not as clear as I had thought.

When you write the book, it’s sometimes difficult to see how the reader will perceive your written word, so it’s always good to have someone else read it. Having written and edited yourself, it can be difficult to be objective about your own writing.

And, yes I know, it’s difficult having your work criticised. The masterpiece that you spent months working on but it is worth it.

Who makes the best beta readers?

Find someone you trust, someone who will give you honest but constructive criticism. It can be a fellow writer, a regular reader or even someone you feel is in your target market for the book. You don’t want someone who will say they enjoyed it just to spare your feelings.

If you would like to know more, contact us here.
