Happy Youth Day and looking forward to Comicon

Hello everyone and HAPPY YOUTH DAY to all! I hope you all have a great public holiday. Also on this day in history some 45 years ago in 1978, the movie Grease opened for the first time.

Now, on to today’s newsletter.

  1. SASCWC entries are officially closed
  2. Comicon is coming! What are we doing?


  1. South African Schools Creative Writing Competition

A massive thanks to all those schools that have entered, now comes the fun part for me – the judging. My judges are on stand by waiting as I sort through and log all the entries.

02 August is the all important date – that’s when we will be announcing the winners!


  1. Comicon – what are we going to do for it


Here are some images from last years Comicon, it was a blast. This year we’re going to be bigger and better.

So what are we up to?

We have many projects in the pipeline for Comicon, including not just one but two comic books.

I have been hard at work over my laptop writing Alien Spy books 3 and 4, and now they’re over to Rochelle for cover deisgns.

We’re going to re-cover the first 2 Alien Spy books with brand new art work. I have seen some preliminary designs and I’m super excited.

And we’re going to create a Puzzle Train special edition boxed set. I’m going to be revealing some images as we get closer to the event.
