Turn The Page Best Sellers – March 2024

As many of you know, Beyond The Vale’s sister business which I also run is called Turn The Page Distribution, we help get your books into the big chain bookshops like Exclusive, Bargain and Wordsworth. I have decided to start a new monthly feature – the independent author charts. Yes, that’s right, each month I’ll be listing the top sellers in 3 categories – fiction, nonfiction and children’s/young adult books.


So here are the top sellers for March – Fiction:

Fiction number 3:

Richard James Edwards – The Untimely Death of Barry Cobb:

An Edenvale resident dies and comes back to Earth as a ghost to solve his murder:

Fiction number 2:

Anoshi Saretzki – Julhuan

A tale of ancient tribes and dragons set in the Drakensburg Mountains

Fiction number 1:

Michael Ferguson – A Prophecy of Flowers and Lightning

Congratulations Michael, your tale of gods and monsters where wars are waged and legends are born was our best seller for fiction for March.

Now, let’s move onto our top 3 sellers for non-fiction

Non-fiction number 3:

Robin Wheeler – Love is the Key

A self-help book to help you find your inner voice and learn how to serve yourself and humanity:

Non-fiction number 2:

David Eastment – Dad Unprepared

A lighthearted look at the joys of becoming a first time dad.

Non-fiction number 1:

Congratulations go to:

Bafedile Bopape – A Government on Life Support

24 years spent a senior management level in the Government have given Bafedile first hand experience in the workings of Government.

And finally, to our children’s/young adult chart.

In at number 3:

Sharon Ray – Adventures in Sausage Tree Farm

A fully illustrated book about the heritage of rural South Africa

Children’s/Young Adult number 2

Gretchen Ryan – There’s an Elephant in my Swimming Pool

Can eleven-year-old Toby stop the rhino and elephant poachers?

And congratulations to this month’s number 1 selling children’s/young adult book

Sharon Ray – The Naughty Elephant

The continuing adventures of Sausage Tree Farm.

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To find out more about our publishing services, click here.
