Holy Rosary School Writing Compilation 2022

Published by Beyond The Vale Publishing

Published date November 2022

When the grade 5s were asked to write stories about lesser endangered indigenous South African species, the stories were so good it was decided to publish the best and this compilation was born.

A chance meeting between Richard from Beyond The Vale Publishing and Holy Rosary School principal Mrs Meerholz paved the way to having the children’s stories professionally published.

If your school would like more information, then contact us here.

The animals the grade 5s wrote about were:

Pickersgill Reed Frog

The wetlands and reed beds of the Indian Ocean Coastal Bed are endangered

African Wild Dog

Exists in fragmented, small populations only, in the Kruger Park and a few other areas.


Habitat loss and hunting threaten the cheetah population, which is now classed as endangered.

Golden Mole

Of 21 species, 11 are endangered due to habitat loss through sand mining and domestic cats and dogs.

Riverine Rabbit

One of the most endangered mammals due to the agricultural development of its natural habitat.

Knysna Seahorse

The most endangered seahorse in the world due to them being limited to just a few Cape estuaries.
