Sandra Gordon – Spiritual and Physical Weather

What are we doing and where are we going? How can I improve myself? How can I ‘repair’ myself?

This is the true story of a woman who suffered the loss of a child aged less than a year and how she coped with that loss and found meaning and spiritual growth despite the sorrow.

In this book, she shares her story and her insights into the meaning of life and how she has been rewarded. An inspiring account of how to face whatever life throws at you and use it positively. Sandra’s mantra is not “Why me?” but rather “Why not me?”

Available from Amazon or Beyond The Vale Books, Shop 9 Edenglen Shopping Centre, Harris Avenue

Sandra Gordon was originally from Holland. She met her South African husband in Israel; she converted to Judaism and they settled in his home town of Johannesburg. They lost a son to cot death, which ultimately led to this book, which describes Sandra’s life experiences and spiritual growth in the hope that it will help others to deal with any loss in a positive way. For the same reason, she overcame her fear of public speaking and is now a sought-after motivational speaker, as well as a successful artist of murals and other paintings.

“We have three wonderful children and one in heaven. My husband is my pillar of strength. I love them to bits, even when they push my buttons too much sometimes. They are here to teach us and vice versa.”

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