What a weekend!

Hello all and welcome to this week’s self-publishing update.

What a weekend it was! I had a blast and I have a long list of people to thank:

A big thank you to Kim and Tracy-Lee for coming in-store and again to Kim for speaking at the Writers 2000 meeting.

Thank you to Justin and Laurika for hosting the book fair, all the authors who came and of course the public who came and bought books.

Thank you to Nyiko for her thoroughly interesting speech about marketing.

Thank you Rochelle, for helping all day at the book fair and making me coffee!

We had great weather on Sunday and it was a great day to meet and speak to the authors. I’ve been posting author interviews this week on Facebook.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me – info@beyondthevalepublishing.com

Pictures from the weekend

Saturday – Kim and Tracy-Lee in store

Saturday – Kim addressing the Writers 2000 group

Sunday. Rochelle and I were there early to set-up

Sunday, early set up, Nolan, Karen and Karnegie.

More early set up, Fumani, Hamilton and Sandra

If any authors had their own pictures from the day, I’d love to see them. Please share with me – info@beyondthevalepublishing.com.

Contact me for any self-publishing queries – info@beyondthevalepublishing.com.

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