Holy Rosary School Writing Compilation – 28 Nov 2022

I had the massive privilege of being asked to judge and publish the Holy Rosary grade 5s writing competition.

The children wrote about semi-endangered South African animals and I was so impressed with the thought, imagination and creativity that went into the stories.

Having selected the top 16 from over 30 entries, the stories were then professionally edited and published as a compilation book. On 28 November I went to the school to meet the girls who wrote the stories and read out the winners. It was my highlight of the year, if not the highlight of my publishing career to date.

Showing the girls the front cover for the first time

Explaining the judging process and what I was looking for

Always time for a word game, the winner receiving a copy of “Am I Really A Secret Alien Spy”

The top 16 along with the excellent teaching staff

Story time – reading the first chapter of “Am I Really A Secret Alien Spy”


My hope is that I have really helped to inspire these girls to write and to help the Holy Rosary School by giving them an outlet for these talented creative girls.
